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Treeworks Tre03 Professional Stainless Steel Triangle Beaters / Strikers

Treeworks Tre03 Professional Stainless Steel Triangle Beaters / Strikers 

- Set of 3

SKU: Tre03-BTR


3-pc Set can handle all musical applications 
Solid stainless steel construction for pure tone 
Non-slip Color-Coded Handles - LIGHT (Black - 3/16″), MEDIUM (Blue - 7/32″) and HEAVY (Red - 1/4″)
Storage Tube Included
Made in USA.

1/8" diameter with 2-inch grey handle
3/16" diameter with 4-inch black handle
1/4" diameter with 4-inch red handle

Berminat boleh terus hubungi;
Pejabat : 03-4032 2399
Ms Fana : 013-206 4089 (Whatsapp)

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